Well, then we start!

“You need a website,” these were the words of my friend’s and logo designer, began to develop slowly as himself. But…. for what?

First of all, that I’ve drastically increased my frequency of travel. From 3-4 trips per year, I traveled last year 20 new countries (in 4 of them I was even 2 x). So I was determined now already in total 50 countries and the wanderlust my life further.

From this passion out, have I then began to start with Instagram and but now a very respectable audience “prepared me” (more on this later). Since I at all do not know where all this will lead, it is currently also rather haphazard stories, games and ideas.

I know in any case already, I would like to blog. But also here arises the question of language in which this should be done as before; German or English. Because my English is not so bad about all of my many travels, I can better expresses me of course still in German and really say what I mean. Thus, this (first) decision is first made.

If I now listen to my environment, she will probably be found wrong especially as my follower on Instagram speak no German, mostly, but naja…es must be started somewhere and as I mentioned already still no goal have, is the way show finally going well this me.

I otherwise actually have enough goals and my actions in the “online world” revolve exclusively around travel, photography and stories to. Somewhere I want to share my experience, spread my passion for travel, build a community, who can help each other and most importantly… Inspiration be sure to see the world, to experience, to overcome its own limits.

Is also my biggest goal, that I see so much of the world, like me, because somehow. But working full time, because this also a certain strategy and a complete exploit any free, vacations and holidays. In addition of course also from time to time to overcome longer distances and to achieve distant goals.

And this is also “Myself”, I try to enjoy my life, to try everything, to accumulate moments and no possessions and experiences, not dreams at some point even very happy to die, “the with memories, not with dreams”.

Finally back to Instagram. Yes, there probably are a few pretty pictures, at least according to the likes and comments on it. I have my Instagram account already just over a year, but I’m really active only for about 2 months and gradually rebuild my audience to me. I have no photo graphs education or a professional equipment, but probably the eye to capture a moment. And it is precisely these moments that I find and seek.

Anyway, have fun on my website. For questions, suggestions, criticism, writes me just. If you like what you see, follow me on my social channels and seen live with what I discover about on my trip through the world and experience. More about me is available in the “about me” area.

Ever thank you for reading this post, I hope the time was worth it because the lifetime’s, which is to use it properly and so I would like to enrich with my posts and not steal.

Love greetings


About Author

"die with memories, not with dreams"

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