It was one of my biggest (travel) surprises, because, when I have booked the trip to Moldova, I knew very little about this country (like probably most). A country between Ukraine and Romania. Not so big, no sea connection (in fact a few kilometres away from the border) and not very touristic.

What I learned then, is that in 2014, only 11’000 foreigners visited the country, and these were most probably from Ukraine and Romania. So very interesting, to see a country, that is one of the least visited countries in this world.

As I correctly inform myself just a short time before a trip, I found out then of course even more. Such as, that Prodigy in Chisinau (the capital) occurs on Friday. Wow, that was THE concert, probably of the decade there, this way the tickets were quickly procured.

In addition I booked a tour on Saturday, according to old Orhei, that’s also a must see in Moldova apparently.

As far as the plan, so it went off on Friday. It was holiday traffic at the airport. My flight to Vienna was already an hour late and I had therefore no chance in time to reach my onward flight on Chisinau. Some later, (many) interactions at various switches and check-ins, I went via Warsaw and with LOT instead as Austrian via Vienna to Chisinau.

Fortunately I made it yet in time for a dinner and after to the Prodigy concert. Seemingly, all people of Chisinau there, an awesome concert! A great introduction to my weekend trip.

On Saturday I went to old Orhei with a tour guide (Natali) and a driver. Wow, what is that for a valley. I must say that there the black earth in Moldova one of yield richest soils of the world. You can tell by the nature, it grows really everything. The Moldovans themselves say: “If you throw a few seeds out the window at night, something has grown the next morning already”. In addition to vegetables, Moldova is known above all for the wine. At least for Eastern Europe and Russia, too bad actually, that one here does not know the wine in Western Europe. Had one of the best wines in my life in Chisinau.

Speaking of wine, this country is also the large wine cellar in the world. Incredible 55km long. It is said that Putin here keeps his private collection and its 50. Celebrated birthday in this wine cellar. Also Juri Gargarin the first man in space, was allowed here apparently 2 days taste. Unfortunately I haven’t managed to itself on Sunday. If you have time, be sure to visit! I will do it also next time!

Back to old Orhei, a Valley, a village, a historical archaeological site, a monastery of the caves, remains of an ancient sea, settled in a cradle of humankind since Stone Age. I believe that so many people can’t be wrong themselves in such a long time. The Valley has really something magical, in addition to the pure nature, with all green and even shells from the time when here was a sea, the village is really beautiful, romantic, it is in this environment. I felt so good in this peaceful environment, that I currently clarify whether I want to buy a House there.

Yes really, never has a area whispered in my ear that I need a retreat here. Let’s see whether this is also reality.

The afternoon here was fantastic, we have visited the cave monastery, the village and the individual viewpoints. See the Images.

In the evening we went back to Chisinau, to a local restaurant and enjoyed an incredible dinner with first class wine (very, very tasty). The Moldovan, fresh, unique kitchen should everyone have tried one time.

By the way, Sepp Blatter was also here once. This way I was not the only Swiss guy that ever has been in this restaurant.

On Sunday the time unfortunately was not enough, respectively no tours were more available, to see more (as mentioned the wine cellar). So I used the time to explore the city and to mix myself as one of the few tourists among the locals.

The city has some really ugly buildings, but also very much nice ones. The parks are natural and comfortable. They found the skeleton of a mammoth even recently in a city park.

On Sunday afternoon I went to the great, small airport. Modern, clean, fast clearance, 4 h free Wi-Fi, punctual departure, what do you want more. Since large, modern, Western European airports can cut a large piece of it himself.

Interesting, why a country, that you didn’t know, inhabited since thousands of years, with one of the best soils in the world, the biggest wine cellar with wonderful wine, with friendly people, is so less touristic. It is perhaps also because of the bad trip reports about this and I hope that mine shows a different image of this country here…

I’ll come back, maybe i will buy soon a small house in this village of old Orhei, who knows…

Thank you for reading!



About Author

"die with memories, not with dreams"

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