Showing: 1 - 5 of 5 RESULTS

My personal Dream Beach

The Anse source d ‘ Argent on La Digue, Seychelles is the most photographed beach in the world. The legendary Bacardi commercial and the Raffaello advertisement were shot here. I’ve been to many beaches around the globe, but this one has made it to #1 right now!



Well, then we start! "You need a website," these were the words of my friend's and logo designer, began to develop slowly as himself. But.... for what? First of all, that I've drastically increased my frequency of travel. From 3-4 trips per year, I traveled last year 20 new countries (in 4 of them I was …


A short video of my road trip in Iceland… We drove a Jeep Grand Cherokee around Iceland around. Includes the West Fjords, which apparently only 10% of all island travelers visit.